3241 E Shea Blvd #416, Phoenix, AZ 85028 info@azhartt.org (602) 601-2604

HARTT Trapping Workshop Registration

Home HARTT Trapping Workshop Registration

Humane Trapping Workshop Registration Form - Fall 2024

  • If you have attended previously, please give the date and location.
  • How did you hear about this workshop? If from another person, please provide their name.

  • If you are NOT a HARTT alumni (ie, a volunteer who has attended this 5-hour workshop previously) you will also need to pay your registration - please pay this fee now on our website: https://azhartt.org/donate/

    Under "Select a Campaign", scroll down to "Trapping Workshop". If you are on a mobile device, click anywhere inside the "campaign" field and a scrolling window will appear at the bottom of your screen.

    Choose either $60 as a first-time attendee, or $40 as a non-HARTT alumni. Hit "SUBMIT" and fill out the additional information on the next page, then enter your payment information.

    Please note that you are NOT registered for the class until your registration fee is paid!